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23/09/2011 KOTAI
  • New stage by RedStar
Zone Alpha
author: RedStar
create: 22/09/2011
update: 14/04/2015
version: 3
level: 1
hi score: 578200
hi author: redstar
downloads: 2280

08/09/2011 KOTAI
  • New version of Stage Editor configured to upload stages to new server.

Stage Editor

  • KotaiUpdates now works with the new Web server. I remember you that it is an application that alerts you of online games, messages, online friends and updates of Kotai games.

Kotai Updates V0.93

05/09/2011 KOTAI
  • Changing the server had stopped working records and online play, it's fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
02/09/2011 KOTAI
  • The server change was successful. You can use the tagboard and upload stages.

  • During the next few hours will change the web server and can idle a few minutes. The TagBoard comments or upload stages that will now be lost. It let you know when the change is complete.

  • New stage by Kh2playa
Silent Crystals
author: KH2PLAYA
create: 27/08/2011
update: 22/02/2013
version: 2
level: 3
hi score: 155000
hi author: peterdao
downloads: 1814

26/08/2011 KOTAI
  • Update stage "Bonus Stage 1" and delete scores
Bonus Stage 1
author: Tetran
create: 02/06/2009
update: 25/08/2011
version: 4
level: 2
hi score: 57600
hi author: peterdao
downloads: 2542

09/08/2011 KOTAI
  • New stage by Tetran
Big Core Survival
author: TETRAN
create: 04/08/2011
update: 29/12/2011
version: 5
level: 3
hi score: 497400
hi author: peterdao
downloads: 1653

  • Updates 3 stages
Big Core Station
author: Tetran&Kh2playa
create: 04/10/2010
update: 09/08/2011
version: 2
level: 7
hi score: 764100
hi author: dtc
downloads: 2295


top 3 hi-scores today

pos. player   score

top 5 hi-scores

pos. player   score
1 pekuchan2 28813700
2 DTC 25208700
3 EGR 19456400
4 ICB 11513100
5 dream89 11088000

top 5 online medals

pos. player   online medals
1 fish 590  (29%)
2 Arilou 519  (30%)
3 AlexR 441  (35%)
4 Kh2playa 436  (32%)
5 Tetran 354  (41%)

last 5 records

stage player  
Prominence Planet eta
FireScramble eta
G3 (Arcade) CubeRush peterdao
Festive Horizons kh2playa
Gradius III 5-1 eta

other kotaiĀ“s games

web visits (today)
visits 550613 (26)
access 8660253 (1085)
last games
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online users
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0 playing