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  dream89   11088000

16/01/2017 - 17/10/2017

stage level score date played medals online played online medals
SpeedRush 4 106100 09/03/2017 10 1 (10%) 0 0 (0%)
SR388 1 44000 23/01/2017 18 18 (100%) 0 0 (0%)
Stone Labyrinth 1 133000 24/03/2017 12 4 (33%) 0 0 (0%)
TDA 2: Toxin Refinery 2 121200 21/03/2017 8 6 (75%) 0 0 (0%)
TDA:Dark Planet 1 128300 20/03/2017 8 7 (88%) 0 0 (0%)
Tetran's Revenge 3 184100 22/03/2017 2 1 (50%) 0 0 (0%)
Tetran's Tomb 1 80900 18/03/2017 12 11 (92%) 0 0 (0%)
The Calm Spring 1 133000 19/03/2017 13 12 (92%) 0 0 (0%)
The Escape 3 39700 09/03/2017 3 2 (67%) 0 0 (0%)
The Escape Part II 4 26000 08/03/2017 3 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
The Escape Part III 5 30500 08/03/2017 4 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
The Escape Part IV 6 401300 22/03/2017 1 1 (100%) 0 0 (0%)
The Horizon 1 158000 22/03/2017 12 7 (58%) 0 0 (0%)
TXFP ep 3: sea of ships 3 112500 14/03/2017 2 2 (100%) 0 0 (0%)
TXFP ep 4: Battle on arme 4 47500 24/03/2017 3 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
TXFP ep 5: the final batt 4 0 14/03/2017 1 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
TXFP ep1 harbor 1 103400 13/03/2017 11 10 (91%) 0 0 (0%)
TXFP ep2: mystery marsh 2 163900 23/03/2017 11 11 (100%) 0 0 (0%)
Tyranicus 1 123000 19/03/2017 8 8 (100%) 0 0 (0%)
Tyranicus-II 2 135300 13/03/2017 5 4 (80%) 0 0 (0%)
    2271700   147 105 (71%) 0 0 (0%)
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