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  tesra   2820300

06/09/2012 - 08/08/2013

stage level score date played medals online played online medals
The Horizon 1 148900 24/10/2012 7 3 (43%) 0 0 (0%)
TXFP ep 4: Battle on arme 4 0 12/02/2013 2 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
TXFP ep 5: the final batt 4 86600 26/02/2013 3 1 (33%) 0 0 (0%)
TXFP ep1 harbor 1 103800 19/09/2012 5 2 (40%) 0 0 (0%)
TXFP ep2: mystery marsh 2 147300 02/10/2012 3 1 (33%) 0 0 (0%)
Tyranicus 1 125100 15/10/2012 7 5 (71%) 0 0 (0%)
Tyranicus-II 2 114000 02/10/2012 3 1 (33%) 0 0 (0%)
Tyranicus-III 3 153800 25/10/2012 6 4 (67%) 0 0 (0%)
Unkown Base 1 75600 30/10/2012 6 5 (83%) 0 0 (0%)
Valhalla Redux 7 214500 30/10/2012 5 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
Volcanic Scramble 3 585300 01/10/2012 8 1 (13%) 0 0 (0%)
Volcano 3 172400 12/02/2013 13 4 (31%) 0 0 (0%)
Wild Nature 2 169500 20/12/2012 8 3 (38%) 0 0 (0%)
Wrecked Base 1 163900 24/10/2012 5 5 (100%) 0 0 (0%)
Zeb World 6 153800 12/02/2013 1 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
Zone Alpha 1 318600 26/12/2012 15 2 (13%) 0 0 (0%)
Zone Delta 1 286500 26/02/2013 17 1 (6%) 0 0 (0%)
    3019600   114 38 (33%) 0 0 (0%)
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