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full game

v. 0.6A

11713 KB
the game are in ZIP format. once downloaded, uncompress it at any folder, execute it by double clicking the file bubble.exe

v. 0.6A

9282 KB
this update is only for players who have the last version of nemesis. you must decompress them in the game folder on your computer, replacing the old files.

418 KB
KotaiUpdates alert you of online games, friends online, replys in tagboard, news, new hi-scores...

8992 KB
gfx resources to make stages 1 up to 40

189 KB
template to make new enemies and players
Clasica 001
author: Arilou
create: 29/02/2012
update: 29/02/2012
version: 1
level: 1
hi score: 136400
hi author: DIOS
downloads: 0

Clasica 014
author: Arilou
create: 29/02/2012
update: 29/02/2012
version: 1
level: 1
hi score: 310230
hi author: ESTRUFO
downloads: 573

Clasica 015
author: Arilou
create: 29/02/2012
update: 29/02/2012
version: 1
level: 1
hi score: 317490
hi author: ESTRUFO
downloads: 535

Clasica 016
author: Arilou
create: 29/02/2012
update: 29/02/2012
version: 1
level: 1
hi score: 67900
hi author: ESTRUFO
downloads: 544

Clasica 017
author: Arilou
create: 29/02/2012
update: 29/02/2012
version: 1
level: 1
hi score: 337860
hi author: ESTRUFO
downloads: 502

Clasica 018
author: Arilou
create: 29/02/2012
update: 29/02/2012
version: 1
level: 1
hi score: 246840
hi author: ESTRUFO
downloads: 546

Clasica 019
author: Arilou
create: 29/02/2012
update: 29/02/2012
version: 1
level: 1
hi score: 519650
hi author: SEWERYN
downloads: 584

Clasica 020
author: Arilou
create: 29/02/2012
update: 29/02/2012
version: 1
level: 1
hi score: 248920
hi author: ESTRUFO
downloads: 432

Clasica 021
author: Arilou
create: 29/02/2012
update: 29/02/2012
version: 1
level: 1
hi score: 327320
hi author: ESTRUFO
downloads: 508

Clasica 022
author: Arilou
create: 29/02/2012
update: 29/02/2012
version: 1
level: 1
hi score: 253210
hi author: ESTRUFO
downloads: 409

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visits 58273 (4)
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