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stage author level hi-score    
MyShadow SLEEPMAN 4 34800 DEB1234
NeartheCastle JULIANPAZ 13 69300 BLEIKR
OrderOfShadow JulianPaz 7 70900 BLEIKR
OrderOfShadow2 JulianPaz 8 73100 BLEIKR
orderofshadow3 JulianPaz 9 56600 BLEIKR
OrderOfShadow4 JulianPaz 10 101300 ASCALON
OrderOfShadow5 JulianPaz 11 26400 BLEIKR
PlantCastle JULIANPAZ 3 37800 BLEIKR
RoadToCastle DEB1234 3 83500 DEB1234
RockCastle JULIANPAZ 2 38500 DEB1234
RunOrDie JulianPaz 8 24400 DEB1234
runordie2 JULIANPAZ 9 34000 ASCALON
runordie3 JULIANPAZ 10 75300 ASCALON
Simon'sAdventure SHINO 1 64700 SHINO
SongoftheUnslakableBlade BLEIKR 1 1683301 BLEIKR
SoulOfDarkness JULIANPAZ 1 24400 GUMICHAN
Stage 2 - Swamps Quetzal 1 147000 SLEEPMAN
SuperCastlevaniaBros SHINO 1 208000 JULIANPAZ
The Undergroud Dungeon Death 1 112700 BLEIKR
the undergroud garden Death 1 96300 BLEIKR
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