- New stage by Damned Soul.
 | Stage 2 - Swamps | author: Quetzal create: 27/04/2011 update: 27/04/2011 version: 1 | level: 1 hi score: 147000 hi author: SLEEPMAN downloads: 1951 |
- New stage by Frikilangelo in collaboration with Death and Damned Soul
 | CastleCorridor | author: Frikilangelo create: 26/04/2011 update: 26/04/2011 version: 1 | level: 1 hi score: 410400 hi author: AMINE downloads: 2136 |
- New Bubble Bobble Online version with 19 stages by Arilou
Bubble Bobble Online vesion 0.2A
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