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  DOPPEL14   432000

14/07/2013 - 16/07/2013

stage level score date played medals online played online medals
Bloodline1 1 52900 15/07/2013 4 1 (25%) 0 0 (0%)
Castle Entrance 1 12100 14/07/2013 1 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
Castle Stage 1-6 1 30300 16/07/2013 3 1 (33%) 0 0 (0%)
CastleCorridor 1 29700 15/07/2013 2 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
CastleStage2-6 1 9000 15/07/2013 1 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
ClockTowerSecrets 1-3 1 24100 15/07/2013 2 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
Come Sweet Hour of Death 1 26800 15/07/2013 1 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
DraculaX-Stage1 1 24800 16/07/2013 17 2 (12%) 0 0 (0%)
DraculaX-Stage2 1 18100 16/07/2013 7 5 (71%) 0 0 (0%)
Haunted Castle 1 1 26800 16/07/2013 8 7 (88%) 0 0 (0%)
La Iglesia Olvidada 1 338800 16/07/2013 11 4 (36%) 0 0 (0%)
la iglesia olvidada-biblioteca 1 159500 16/07/2013 3 3 (100%) 0 0 (0%)
Lakebed Temple 1 26900 16/07/2013 4 2 (50%) 0 0 (0%)
Lost Town 1 41100 14/07/2013 4 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
Simon'sAdventure 1 14700 15/07/2013 7 2 (29%) 0 0 (0%)
SongoftheUnslakableBlade 1 2300 14/07/2013 2 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
Stage 2 - Swamps 1 10500 15/07/2013 1 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
The Undergroud Dungeon 1 13000 15/07/2013 1 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
TheBeginning 1 34400 15/07/2013 1 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
ToClockTower 2 7200 16/07/2013 1 0 (0%) 0 0 (0%)
    903000   81 27 (33%) 0 0 (0%)
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