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full game

v. 0.51B

40231 KB
the game are in ZIP format. once downloaded, uncompress it at any folder, execute it by double clicking the file nemesis.exe

v. 0.51B

3782 KB
this update is only for players who have the last version of nemesis. you must decompress them in the game folder on your computer, replacing the old files.
all ships

297 KB
112 ships for version 0.45
all stages

90355 KB
all stages in date 02/13/2010 update to 0.44 version

3168 KB
Skin by RedStar

1881 KB
Application for make or edit stages to Nemesis Online

418 KB
KotaiUpdates alert you of online games, friends online, replys in tagboard, news, new hi-scores...

3 KB

3 KB

6 KB
full greek (include fonts) by tyran

3 KB
greek by tyran

3 KB
nederlands by Arilou

3 KB
german by Lars

3 KB
italian by speedup

3 KB
french by RedStar

3 KB
portugues by Mauro

2 KB
korean by Blueriver

3 KB
tranditional chinese by RaTaDune

3 KB
japan by bcc2528

3 KB
thai by DTC

0 KB
gfx resources for develop new stages

689 KB
midi resources for develop stages of nemesis

2547 KB
all gfx of gradius rebirth wii

139904 KB
all mp3 for MSX: Nemesis 1,2,3 and Salamander and WII Gradius Rebirth

1241 KB
1º set enemies sprites of saga gradius by MaxxExterminati

411 KB
2º set enemies sprites of saga gradius by MaxxExterminati

714 KB
3º set enemies sprites of saga gradius by MaxxExterminati

3008 KB
4º set enemies sprites of saga gradius by MaxxExterminati

427 KB
5º set enemies sprites of saga gradius by MaxxExterminati
Nemesis 1-5 MSX
author: Kotai
create: 26/12/2008
update: 11/02/2010
version: 2
level: 5
hi score: 203300
hi author: dtc
downloads: 2757

Nemesis 3-1 MSX
author: Kotai
create: 26/12/2008
update: 11/02/2010
version: 3
level: 1
hi score: 101100
hi author: dtc
downloads: 2590

Nemesis 1-4 MSX
author: Kotai
create: 24/12/2008
update: 11/02/2010
version: 3
level: 4
hi score: 163300
hi author: dtc
downloads: 2639

Nemesis 1-3 MSX
author: Kotai
create: 17/12/2008
update: 11/02/2010
version: 3
level: 3
hi score: 237600
hi author: peterdao
downloads: 2447

Nemesis 1-8 MSX
author: Kotai
create: 03/04/2009
update: 11/02/2010
version: 2
level: 8
hi score: 74800
hi author: dtc
downloads: 2626

author: AlexR
create: 19/01/2010
update: 11/02/2010
version: 2
level: 1
hi score: 55500
hi author: dtc
downloads: 1591

Nemesis 1-1 MSX
author: Kotai
create: 28/08/2008
update: 11/02/2010
version: 5
level: 1
hi score: 432600
hi author: peterdao
downloads: 3253

Rebirth Stage 2
author: Kotai
create: 09/02/2010
update: 11/02/2010
version: 2
level: 2
hi score: 747900
hi author: ot
downloads: 1487

High Speed
author: Fish
create: 09/02/2010
update: 11/02/2010
version: 2
level: 5
hi score: 202900
hi author: peterdao
downloads: 1522

Ancient Battle
author: AlexR
create: 09/02/2010
update: 11/02/2010
version: 2
level: 2
hi score: 604200
hi author: icb
downloads: 1864

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visits 550871 (20)
access 8678248 (7718)
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