v. 0.51B
40231 KB | the game are in ZIP format. once downloaded, uncompress it at any folder, execute it by double clicking the file nemesis.exe | v. 0.51B
3782 KB | this update is only for players who have the last version of nemesis. you must decompress them in the game folder on your computer, replacing the old files. | 297 KB | 112 ships for version 0.45 | 90355 KB | all stages in date 02/13/2010 update to 0.44 version | 3168 KB | Skin by RedStar | 1881 KB | Application for make or edit stages to Nemesis Online | 418 KB | KotaiUpdates alert you of online games, friends online, replys in tagboard, news, new hi-scores... | 3 KB | spanish V0.51 | 3 KB | english V0.51 | 6 KB | full greek (include fonts) by tyran V0.51 | 3 KB | greek by tyran V0.51 | 3 KB | nederlands by Arilou V0.51 | 3 KB | german by Lars V0.51 | 3 KB | italian by speedup | 3 KB | french by RedStar | 3 KB | portugues by Mauro | 2 KB | korean by Blueriver | 3 KB | tranditional chinese by RaTaDune | 3 KB | japan by bcc2528 | 3 KB | thai by DTC | 0 KB | gfx resources for develop new stages | 689 KB | midi resources for develop stages of nemesis | 2547 KB | all gfx of gradius rebirth wii | 139904 KB | all mp3 for MSX: Nemesis 1,2,3 and Salamander and WII Gradius Rebirth | 1241 KB | 1º set enemies sprites of saga gradius by MaxxExterminati | 411 KB | 2º set enemies sprites of saga gradius by MaxxExterminati | 714 KB | 3º set enemies sprites of saga gradius by MaxxExterminati | 3008 KB | 4º set enemies sprites of saga gradius by MaxxExterminati | 427 KB | 5º set enemies sprites of saga gradius by MaxxExterminati | |  | DarkCavern 2 | author: FISH create: 27/07/2011 update: 27/07/2011 version: 2 | level: 2 hi score: 99800 hi author: dtc downloads: 1088 |
 | Salamander2MSX | author: RUKIFELLTH create: 21/05/2011 update: 25/07/2011 version: 3 | level: 2 hi score: 93700 hi author: dtc downloads: 1931 |
 | FloatingContinent | author: RedStar create: 24/07/2011 update: 24/07/2011 version: 1 | level: 4 hi score: 195200 hi author: dtc downloads: 1534 |
 | Salamander 1 MSX | author: Kotai create: 31/12/2009 update: 07/07/2011 version: 3 | level: 1 hi score: 167000 hi author: peterdao downloads: 2161 |
 | menace | author: FISH create: 19/06/2011 update: 19/06/2011 version: 1 | level: 1 hi score: 159100 hi author: dtc downloads: 1413 |
 | A Sweet Adventure! | author: KH2PLAYA create: 18/06/2011 update: 18/06/2011 version: 2 | level: 1 hi score: 28813700 hi author: pekuchan2 downloads: 1394 |
 | First Encounter | author: KH2PLAYA create: 27/05/2011 update: 17/06/2011 version: 4 | level: 1 hi score: 293500 hi author: dtc downloads: 1517 |
 | TXFP ep 4: Battle on arme | author: ULTRA-TAILS create: 27/05/2011 update: 27/05/2011 version: 4 | level: 4 hi score: 209700 hi author: peterdao downloads: 1312 |
 | Contra NES Stage 5 | author: ULTRA-TAILS create: 23/05/2011 update: 23/05/2011 version: 2 | level: 1 hi score: 333300 hi author: peterdao downloads: 1136 |
 | Tyranicus-III | author: TYRAN create: 22/05/2011 update: 22/05/2011 version: 1 | level: 3 hi score: 172500 hi author: dtc downloads: 1456 | |