- Kh2playa brings its new and spectacular stage Zone Delta and also updated 3 stages
| Zone Delta | author: Kh2playa create: 06/12/2010 update: 28/09/2014 version: 6 | level: 1 hi score: 452300 hi author: peterdao downloads: 4309 |
| The Horizon | author: Kh2playa create: 18/01/2010 update: 10/05/2011 version: 6 | level: 1 hi score: 290800 hi author: peterdao downloads: 1952 |
| | author: create: // update: // version: | level: hi score: hi author: downloads: |
| Desert Rush | author: Kh2playa create: 07/09/2010 update: 10/07/2014 version: 5 | level: 3 hi score: 381100 hi author: dtc downloads: 2941 |
- New version 0.50B
- The enemy "Option Hunter" does not kill the players
- New sounds in the menus and collision with the barrier
- The enemy Worm is no longer kept spinning around the players
- Bosses still firing although only view means body on the screen
- The name of the stage no longer leaves the display
- In selecting a new map if pressing SHIFT goes from 5 to 5 and if pressing CTRL goes from 10 in 10
- New boss Worm which is divided in half
Oficial version 0.50B (only update for 0.50A)
- New version 0.50A
- Upadated movement online of bosses BrainGolem and Riot
- Corrected the leap into the shooting to the base15
- Synchronization Online of the Z in the enemies
- Is no longer create several instances of the enemies when a player comes late
- Corrected the bug that when just the time if you have 0 lives do not kill
- Even though we have a negative scroll we cannot go further than the margins of map
- Arranged the music of GameOver and EndLevel that cut
- Enemies shoot from the center
- Added the enemy who steals options
Oficial version 0.50A (only update for 0.47A or latter)
- In the third number of the magazine Pascal Gamer Magazine published the results of the "Supercool Summer Screenshot Contest", a contest to find the best screenshot of games developed in Pascal/Delphi, in which 2 games of Kotai are in the TOP 10, with MiniRacingOnline being the game winner and Castlevania Online in the 10th position.
- In addition to the section of news of the magazine says the last Kotai's project, Castlevania Online:
- New versión 0.49A:
- We can change the graphic of the capsules
- We can create 1UP capsules and capsules of points
- Fixed lag problem scroll/ship when not enought FPS
- Revised the movement of all enemies with vertical scroll
- When the speed is locked, the speedometer is in gray
- If you hide the chat the cockpit is made transparent to see the stage
- When you load stageloads the graphics without having to wait to enter
- When the server switches to stage will load instantly on all clients
- Added a new event "End Stage"
- With StageEditor we can change the indestructible property of the enemies
Oficial version 0.49A (only update for 0.47A or latter)
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