- Dragan translate game to Serbian
Serbian languaje by Dragan
- Shawli77 translate game to Arabic
Arabic language by Shawli77
- New version with the following improvements.
- New boss: "Lepha" from the 6th level of The Maze Of Galious
- Added bonus stages that can play anytime
- some enemies have changed so they can shoot
- New boss: "Erudâ" from the 4th level Knightmare
- in the editor can turn off the music loop
Added more parameters - the enemy bat
- Upon leaving the store or shortcut're two seconds invulnerable
shortcut - entering the kill all enemies
- from the editor you can change the background scroll speed
Added - capsule/brick Knightmare (points/ kill/immunity/life/exit)
New - the editor option to indicate that enemies are unaffected by shots
- you can translate the whole game to languages ??with non-Latin characters
to download the full version go to menu downloads
version 0.22A (update only)
 | Pharaoh's Revenge | author: ARILOU create: 23/10/2012 update: 26/10/2012 version: 4 | level: 5 hi score: 16520 hi author: TELHARIN downloads: 2812 |
 | Knightmare1-4 | author: ARILOU create: 23/10/2012 update: 26/10/2012 version: 3 | level: 4 hi score: 39690 hi author: ARILOU downloads: 2274 |
- Arilou shows his next stage
- Max translate game to Italian
Italian language by Max
- Arilou shows his next stage
- Lars translate game to German
German language by Lars
- New Knightmare boss by Arilou
 | register top 3 hi-scores today top 5 hi-scores top 5 online medals last 5 records other kotai´s games 
